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Freemasonry means different things to each of those who join

Since 1736, Freemasons have been meeting in Dorset, we are from all ethnic, cultural and social backgrounds. Freemasonry means different things to each individual, these include making new friends, contributing to society, celebrating tradition, enjoying personal growth, taking up a hobby and simply having fun.

Freemasonry is one of the UKs largest fraternal and charitable organisations, we are proud to be both non-religious and non-political. Our members come together to realise their potential, make new and lasting friendships, develop new skills, contribute to society and regardless of race, religion or position in society to have fun!

Dorset Freemasonry



A typical meeting would involve members arriving, greeting each other, grabbing a drink at the bar, catch up with friends before getting ready for the meeting. During the meeting members wear regalia (such as a Masonic apron) and these are put on before the meeting starts.

The meeting itself runs to an agenda which contains various administrative items followed by one of our ceremonies or a presentation of type within the lodge.

Once the meeting is concluded we remove our regalia and make our way to the main hall, where we dine together before saying our goodbyes and making our way home.

Produced by and filmed at the United Grand Lodge of England in London, this short video gives an overview of what Freemasonry is to its members.


As mentioned in the video, "It means something different to everybody". This shows how Freemasonry appeals to its members in so many different ways, all tied together in fellowship through our Values.

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