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A little Gardening with Friends

It all started at 8.30am today, the sun was out, the sky was Blue, not a thing to spoil the view, that was until we walked around the corner into Allsorts Nursery, Portland. and saw the mammoth task, ahead of us. That's right is was clearing these area's of the overgrowth that had taken control.

So armed with volunteers from local Masonic lodges such as Portland 1037, Mark Lodge of United Services, assisted by AJ Building Services and the loan of his tools and MKM Building Supplies Ltd, and the Nursery team we set to work.

It wasn't long before we were really making some headway, the teams got stuck in. And of course the important people in the made sure we didn't waste away with all this work.

Don't burn them, looking good !!

And yes someone had to take the photos.

This was a great team effort, and we certainly broke the back of it, and the Master of Mark Lodge of United Service also presented a cheque to help with funds at the Nursery, of which was greatly welcomed.

Once again huge thanks to AJ Building Services, without his kit we would of struggled and to MKM Building Supplies for supply of Gloves and Bags.

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